
Metro Relief Gift Catalog

Give a gift to radically change the life of someone experiencing homelessness

Special areas of giving. Donate and then give a GIFT to a friend on their birthday or at Christmas time.

We are excited to present to you our unique GIFT CATALOG. You can choose a specific area you'd like to see championed by Metro Relief. Should you be donating a gift to someone else, like a Clothing Bundle or a Dignity Pack etc. we will send you a Birthday or Christmas Card that says what you donated on their behalf as a gift to them! It's a fun way of blessing someone on a special occasion - all gifts are fully tax deductible.

Sock Donation

Sock Donation

Donate $25 to supply 10 people with a pair of socks

Water Donation

Water Donation

Donate a supply of drinking water for $35. At temperatures of 100 degrees, dehydration and heat related illnesses become a huge threat for our friends experiencing homelessness.

Dignity Pack

Dignity Pack

Donate a dignity pack for $50. A dignity pack includes socks, a hygiene kit, a shower, and food for a person experiencing homelessness.

Transportation to a Resource Facility

Transportation to a Resource Facility

For $55 pay for someone's transportation to a resource facility.

Nutritional Soup

Nutritional Soup

For $60 supply 20 people with a cup of soup. This soup was formulated by a nutritionist and includes all of the nutrients a person will need in 1 day.

Safe House for a Survivor of Domestic Violence

Safe House for a Survivor of Domestic Violence

A $65 donation pays for transportation to and a stay at a safe house for a victim of domestic violence.

Hygiene Kits

Hygiene Kits

For $75 supply 10 people with a hygiene kit. These kits include shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, a razor, lotion, and body wash. If needed these kits will also include feminine hygiene products.

Rescue for Sex Trafficking Survivors

Rescue for Sex Trafficking Survivors

In partnership with an efficient and high integrity partner, we will provide a pathway for trafficked individuals.

Van and Truck Fuel

Van and Truck Fuel

For $100 supply one of our transportation vehicles with fuel

Pay for an Outreach Day

Pay for an Outreach Day

For a donation of $140 you can fund a Metro Relief Outreach Day

Bus Fuel and Maintenance

Bus Fuel and Maintenance

For a donation of $180 you can help pay for a tank of gas, or maintenance on our Outreach Bus.

Vital Document for a Homeless Person

Vital Document for a Homeless Person

A donation of $140 will supply us with the money needed to secure a person experiencing homelessness with 1 of their vital documents

Apartment Supplies for a Homeless Person

Apartment Supplies for a Homeless Person

For a donation of $850 you can help us provide apartment supplies for a person who just moved off the streets and into housing

Move-in Cost for a Homeless Person

Move-in Cost for a Homeless Person

For a donation of $1,700 a person can move off the streets and into an apartment

Give Butter Auction

Give Butter Auction

Gift Description